Frequently Asked Questions

Tier One Business Services (TOBS) is a new service designed to provide your business with payment terms on a variety of business services and products. When we provide credit, it is in the name of your business, based on your EIN. Your personal credit is not used. When you purchase any of our services, your payment history gets stored in our database. When you apply for business credit or terms with other vendors, you can use TOBS as a vendor reference. Future credit grantors can look up your payment history by entering your EIN into our portal. Key credit decision criteria such as total credit extended, current balance, and payment history are provided, making it easier for you to get either payment terms from other suppliers, and to get loans in the name of your business.
Not as of yet. Since we are a new service, we are not yet set up to report to D&B or other business credit bureaus. However, as a Tier One credit provider, you can use your payment history with TOBS to apply for credit from other vendors that do report to D&B, making it easier to apply for credit without a personal guarantee.
Your first step is to fill out our simple credit application. We will review your business information, including your website, and assuming that we do not find anything seriously wrong with your business, we will approve your application. Next, you go to our Services page and choose from any of our business products or services. For each one, you will see the price and payment terms (30, 60, 90 days). Each purchase does require a partial down payment. Once you make the purchase, we will charge your card on the designated payment days. Our team will deliver your requested service or your digital products.
Yes. We only grant credit for US-based businesses. You must provide proof of having your IRS-issued Employer Identification Number (EIN), which is required for LLCs and Corporations, but also suggested for Sole Proprietorships.
Each service you purchase is considered a separate purchase. Your terms payments will be based on each individual purchase, and not grouped together. You can complete multiple purchases if you wish.
If you click on the Dashboard menu link, you will be taken to our login page if you are not logged in, or to your “My Dashboard” page if you are. As a Customer, you will be able to see your purchases, next payment date/amount, and see the same report that we provide if you list TOBS as a trade reference.
Your login ID is your EIN (for customers and vendors) or SSN (for affiliates and service providers). You must be registered as either an approved credit applicant (Customer), an approved Affiliate, or a registered Vendor or Service Provider. When you submit your login ID along with selecting your role (Customer, Vendor, Service Provider, Affiliate), we will send a one-time passcode to your email address as what you have registered with TOBS. You can either click on the link in your email, or enter the passcode onto the login page. There is no password to remember. Once logged in, you will be able to see stats related to your role.
Yes! If you have your own business funding brokerage or are an affiliate for other lenders, you can order a copy of our Business Finance Analyzer that has your business name and contact information on the Home tab. The fee for this is $95. You will then be able to distribute your copy to anyone you wish, branding you as their business funding consultant. You will also be an affiliate for TOBS if you wish to generate affiliate commissions from your business clients.
In the footer of all pages, there is a link to access the TOBS Pay credit report. To obtain a report for one of our customers, a credit provider needs the applicant’s EIN and 10-digit business phone number