Purchase Payment Terms
Payment Terms
Total Price: $N/A.
Additional purchase terms are as follows:
Thank you for your interest in our services and products. Please review this section carefully before placing your order.
Your credit card number will NOT be stored directly. We encrypt it so that in the event of any database hack, your card number will not be exposed.
Delivery of digital products will be via a download link that will be shared through your email address. You can download any or all of the files as you wish. The term “Digital Products” includes the following:
- WordPress Premium Themes & Plugins
- Social Media & Online Marketing Products
For each of these products, once they have been delivered, there at no refunds, as we have provided complete details about each product prior to purchase, and the products cannot be “returned”.
For other services that you purchase, we may need to follow up with you via email or phone in order to obtain the additional information needed to complete the service. Your credit card will not be charged until we have the required information needed to complete the service.
For some services, we may ask you to create a new email address that we can then have access to in order to deliver services that require the use of third-party services. This incudes us providing the following services:
- Business Entity Creation
- Business Entity Registration
- Retirement Account Redirect Program
- Social Media Presence Builder
- Email Marketing Platform
- Voice Search Recognition
For the Facebook Customer Traffic Generator, we will walk you through setting up the page. You will then enable us as a page Admin, allowing us to completely build out your traffic generator page.
For all services (other than for Digital Products), you may cancel your purchase and receive a full refund within 7 days of purchase. After this, there are no refunds, as will be in the process of delivering the service.
Agreement to Purchase Terms
By checking the “Yes” button on the purchase form, you agree to the above purchase terms, including the refund policy.