Business Finance Analyzer Donation
If you find our Business Finance Analyzer to have been helpful in planning out your business finances, we would greatly appreciate a donation. This will enable us to keep adding features to the Analyzer, helping all businesses better understand what amount of capital they need to survive and thrive.
In exchange for providing a donation, we will provide you with a thank you gift. Your gift is based on your donation level:
- Bronze: $10 – Learn how to leverage Facebook to build your business. You will learn the best ways to promote on Facebook, how to leverage the power of Facebook to drive free traffic to your website, and how to use groups and reach your audience. (See below for details)
- Silver: $20 – Along with the Facebook ebooks and videos, we will also give you our Social Media & Online Marketing package ($59 value). Click on the link for details.
- Gold: $30 – Along with the Facebook ebooks and videos and Social Media & Online Marketing package, we will also give you our Digital Goldmine Deals & Steals package ($59 value).
- Platinum: $40 – Along with all of the above, your $40 donation also gets you our WordPress Premium Themes & Plugins package ($95 value). Click on the link to learn more.
If you add all of this up, you will see that a Platinum level donor will get thank-you gifts worth more than $200. Your gift(s) will be sent to your email address once we process your donation. Prices are based on our actual sales prices.
Facebook Marketing Mastery Ebooks & Videos Gift
Your donation of $10 to $40 gets you the following gift of training packages that will help you get the most value out of Facebook community groups and out of Facebook in general. All of these are explained in detail on our Facebook Customer Traffic Generator page in the Bonus section at the bottom of the page:
- Facebook Marketing Unleashed
- Free Facebook Traffic Strategies
- Facebook Groups Unleashed