Business Finance Analyzer - Branded Version
If you run your own business funding or loan brokerage and would like to drive prospects to your site simply by giving out free copies of our Business Finance Analyzer from your website and/or social media channels, we can provide you with a copy that contains your business name, website and contact information on the home page. You also get a branded copy of our Business Credit Toolkit, with all references to our business loan broker program removed. You can distribute this as you wish as well.
You will also be enrolled as an Affiliate for Tier One Business Services, giving you another way to monetize your prospects who do not qualify for any of your funding. The Business Credit Toolkit is designed to drive prospects to our site using your affiliate code, where you will earn a 15% commission on all purchases made by your customers.
The one-time fee for this branded package is $95. We will not charge your card until we deliver your branded Analyzer and Business Credit Toolkit, typically within a day or two. You will also be asked to click through to our site using the link on your Analyzer copy and then fill out the Affiliate Registration Form.
If you do NOT wish to become an Affiliate, and would like all references to Tier One Business Services removed from your branded copy, the fee for a “white label copy” of the Business Finance Analyzer is $195. You will be able to distribute this to all of your prospects and customers.
Your purchase also gets you the following bonus items:
- Learn how to leverage Facebook to build your business. You will learn the best ways to promote on Facebook, how to leverage the power of Facebook to drive free traffic to your website, and how to use groups and reach your audience. (See below for details) I will share with you one special way that will bring new customers to a service business, as opposed to a retail business.
- Access to our Social Media & Online Marketing package ($59 value). Click on the link for details of the two dozen ebooks and videos that you will receive.
- Access to our Digital Goldmine Deals & Steals package ($59 value). This s a collection of more than a dozen sites where you can get access to buy dirt-cheap digital products plus free top-notch digital products and services
- Access to our WordPress Premium Themes & Plugins package ($95 value). Click on the link to learn more about the more than 400 free premium themes and plugins that you can use for your WordPress site.
If you add all of this up, you will see that your purchase will get you bonus gifts worth more than $200.
Refund Policy: Once we provide you with your branded copy, there are no refunds. If we make any mistakes in your branding information, we will correct it and resend your branded copy.
Facebook Marketing Mastery Ebooks & Videos Gift
Your purchase gets you the following bonus training packages that will help you get the most value out of Facebook community groups and out of Facebook in general. All of these are explained in detail on our Facebook Customer Traffic Generator page in the Bonus section at the bottom of the page:
- Facebook Marketing Unleashed
- Free Facebook Traffic Strategies
- Facebook Groups Unleashed